2009-2011       Project Grant, National Health & Medical Research Council, Australia. 

  • The role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway in asbestos associated malignant mesothelioma.

Mutsaers SE (PI) and Lee YCG. 

University of Western Australia, Australia.


2009-2010       Mick Knighton Project Grant, British Lung Foundation, United Kingdom. 

  • Mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutic vectors for malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Janes SM (PI) and Lee YCG.   

University College London, U.K. and University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.


2009-2010       Project Grant, State Health Research Advisory Council, Western Australia. 

  • Novel community-based care for malignant pleural effusions.

Lee YCG (PI), Waterer GW, Kendell P, Geelhoed E.   

University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.